Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

#1: Online Profile Pics

In my quest for a mate, with whom I wish to spend the rest of my life, I have resorted, as many of my generation, to the strange, surreal, and often awkward, world of online dating. During this endeavor, I have encountered many people who have made me think, “Damn this is too funny to be real; I should blog about this.”

Finally I came to the conclusion: “Hey why not do a blog about all the funny reasons I’m still not married? If nothing else it will give me something to do on Friday nights! If I sound a little desperate, so be it, I’m sure after reading this blog you will see that my desperation is not only NOT my fault; it is completely warranted. There are no good guys left! I mean, is it asking too much to expect a guy who’s a little bit John Wayne and a little bit Cary Grant? It’s not like they’re fictitious. You know, if God gave the world Cary Grant once, I’m sure He can do it again.

Ok. So today, I would like to address the ever comical and entertaining issue of online profile pictures. Can I just say, that if you are enough of a D-bag to think “I’m so cool; I can totally take a picture of myself, in my bathroom mirror, with my cell phone, while wearing no shirt so that I can totally show off my ‘bod to the ladies” then you are not that cool. No one wants to see that. No self-respecting girl is impressed by that. Now granted, if you are the kind of D-bag to post that type of profile pic, it is highly likely that you are not looking for a girl with much self-respect, but still! Come one! Does this work? Are there really enough girls that respond to that to make it a “good idea.” Am I some how missing the allure of this? It does not matter how hot you are; these pictures make you look like a jack-ass. Let me repeat one, not even that totally hot British actor from The Tudors who is now in the latest “let’s destroy greek-mythology and pretend it’s an excuse to have gorgeous half naked men running around” movie would be impressive if he posted a picture taken via a bathroom mirror. Ok, that’s not really true...I totally love you Henry Cavill!

Sidenote: I’m sure girls post pictures that are just as stupid. I’ve been told that many-a-girl has the stupid “kiss-y face pic” posted, but honestly I don’t really care other girls are doing.

But back to my point. I’m remind of the one, mildly good scene, in The Boondock Saints 2. You know, when plastic faced Sean Patrick Flannery and the other one, who now plays a redneck with a heart of gold in The Walking Dead, go off on how “Duke Wayne” didn’t pout and probably died with five-pounds of undigested red meat in him. I bet...John Wayne also would have killed himself before posing shirtless, in a mirror, with a cell phone, in his bathroom! THIS is just reason #1 why I’m still not married!